๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ปzkPass Query

zkPass Service defines a JSON query language that allows the verifier to check if the user has data that meets specific requirements, conditions, or constraints.

With zkPass, you have access to a specially designed JSON query language that enables you to check if user data meets certain criteria, conditions, or constraints. Think of it as a way to ask questions about data without ever seeing the data itself.

Here's how it works: The heart of this process is the zkPass Query Engine, which uses two main types of inputs. First, there's the User Data, provided in JSON format. This data, issued by the Data Issuer, is what you, as the Proof Verifier, will be inquiring about. The beauty of zkPass is that it doesn't require this data to follow any specific schema or structure, giving you the flexibility to work with a variety of data formats.

The second input is the Query itself. This is where you define what you're looking for in the user data. The query is a script written in our easy-to-use zkPass scripting language and is included in the 'query' field of the Data Verification Request (DVR) object. For example, you might have a query like, "Is the user either married or over 21 years of age?". The zkPass Query Engine, which is part of the zkPass Service, takes this query, runs it against the user data, and then produces a Zero-Knowledge Proof and the result of your query.

Our goal in creating this unique query language is to empower you, the Proof Validator, with the ability to perform complex queries on data in a way that's expressive, flexible, intuitive, and efficient. With zkPass, verifying data against specific conditions has never been easier, or more secure.

For a more in-depth explanation of the zkPass Query language, please refer to the Developer's Guide.

Last updated