
Quick start tutorial for installing the Rust/Linux binding of the zkpass-client library, and building and running the sample application.

System Requirements

  1. Ubuntu version 20 or higher WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is also supported. Other similar Linux distros should also work.

For WSL installation guide, read here.

  1. Some APT package dependencies Run the following to install the required packages:

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install pkg-config
sudo apt install libssl-dev
  1. Rust compiler toolchain Follow this 2-step instruction to install the Rust toolchain.

# 1: install cargo toolchain
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
# 2: source the cargo env for the first time
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"

Installing the SDK and Run zkpass-demo

Follow these steps to install the zkPass SDK and to run the demo application.

For the purposes of this guide, the zkpass-sdk repository is cloned under the home directory of the current user, retaining its default name. This places the root directory for the zkpass-sdk repository at ~/zkpass-sdk. As a result, the directory for the Rust/Linux binding of the SDK is set at ~/zkpass-sdk/rust.

Should you choose to clone the zkpass-sdk repository into a different location, ensure that you adjust any referenced paths in the instructions to match your chosen directory structure.

  1. Clone the zkpass-sdk repo

git clone
  1. Enter zkpass-sdk/rust Directory

cd zkpass-sdk/rust
  1. From the zkpass-sdk/rust directory, execute script to build the SDK and run the demo application:


The correct output of zkpass-demo should look like the following:

<== Using Single User Data ==>
#### starting zkpass proof generation...
2024-09-03T07:23:42.591248Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... >> generate_zkpass_proof
2024-09-03T07:23:42.626726Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... Fetching public keys from
2024-09-03T07:23:48.169443Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... << generate_zkpass_proof
#### generation completed [time=5.833258046s]

#### starting zkpass proof verification...
2024-09-03T07:23:48.424559Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... >> verify_zkpass_proof_internal
2024-09-03T07:23:48.461295Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... Fetching public keys from
2024-09-03T07:23:48.729210Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... >> verify_zkproof
2024-09-03T07:23:48.729437Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... << verify_zkproof
2024-09-03T07:23:48.732602Z  INFO run_data_holder{zkvm="r0" ... (omitted for clarity) ... << verify_zkpass_proof_internal
#### found dvr: id=868cbebb-9172-4807-846f-7f5bea6d20e3
#### verification completed [time=308.127227ms]
  "name": "Dewi",
  "result": true
>> output list:
key=name, value=Str("Dewi")
key=result, value=Bool(true)
<< end of list
the query result is true

... (omitted for clarity) ...

<== Using Multiple User Data ==>
#### starting zkpass proof generation...
... (omitted for clarity) ...
#### generation completed [time=5.33967994s]

#### starting zkpass proof verification...
... (omitted for clarity) ...
#### verification completed [time=221.231359ms]
  "name": "Dewi",
  "result": true
>> output list:
key=name, value=Str("Dewi")
key=result, value=Bool(true)
<< end of list
the query result is true

... (omitted for clarity) ...

<== Using Example ==>
#### starting zkpass proof generation...
... (omitted for clarity) ...
#### generation completed [time=5.55306725s]

#### starting zkpass proof verification...
... (omitted for clarity) ...
#### verification completed [time=288.768931ms]
  "title": "Loan Query Results",
  "result": true,
  "name": "Ramana",
  "email": ""
>> output list:
key=title, value=Str("Loan Query Results")
key=result, value=Bool(true)
key=name, value=Str("Ramana")
key=email, value=Str("")
<< end of list
the query result is true


Fetch Timeout

This error is indicated by the error message "reqwest::Error ... source: TimedOut".

This could happen when the demo runs and fails to fetch several keys needed. Here are several solutions:

  1. Make sure you have a stable internet connection when running the script

  2. Turn off any of your VPN and try again

Missing/Corrupt .so Files

This error is indicated by the error message " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".

This may be caused by missing or corrupt .so files after executing cargo build -r command in the script. Several solutions:

  1. Make sure you have a stable internet connection when running the script

  2. Turn off any of your VPN and try again

  3. Download .so file manually

    1. and file from the website.

    2. Move these files to zkpass-sdk/rust/lib folder

    3. Run the script, error should be resolved

Last updated