Building Rust doc

Follow the instructions below to build the Rust doc yourself from the source code.

In this documentation, we refer to the project directory as /home/builder/zkpass-sdk. This path is used as an example that represents the root directory of the clonedzkpass-sdkrepository on your local system. When following these instructions, please substitute /home/builder/zkpass-sdkwith the actual path to your project's root directory.

Generating the Rust doc

To generate the zkpass-client lib documentation locally, do the following:

cd ~/zkpass-sdk/rust
cargo doc -p zkpass-client --no-deps

After completing these steps, you can find the generated documentation in the ~/rust/target/doc directory within the crate's source code directory.

Opening the Rust doc

On Ubuntu/Linux:

Run the following:

cd ~/zkpass-sdk/rust
cargo doc --open

On WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux):

Type the following in the browser's address box:


This assumes your WSL instance name is 'Ubuntu'. If you are using a different name, please replace the instance name as appropriate.

Last updated