Processing Query

Processing the DVR Query

zkPass Service processes the DVR query contained in the DVR Info and the user data referenced by the query in a pipeline flow, as depicted below.

  1. Initialization of the Data Verification Request(DVR) The proof verification begins by creating a Data Verification Request (DVR). This record is essential as it holds the specific request or "query" that needs to be verified.

  2. Inputs for Verification There are two key pieces of information that the DVR Query Engine requires to perform verification:

    • The Query: This is the request for information or action that needs to be checked.

    • The User Data: This refers to any information related to the user that the query will use or check against.

  3. Processing by the DVR Query Engine The DVR Query Engine is the powerhouse where the actual verification takes place. This engine operates within the Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine (ZKVM), a secure environment designed for processing these queries.

  4. Results of the Verification Once the query has been processed, there are two results produced:

    • The Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZK Proof) This is a verification result that proves the query was processed correctly without revealing any private details.

    • The Query Result This is the outcome of the query after it has been processed.

  5. Packaging the Results Both the ZK proof and the query result are bundled into a single package known as the zkPass Proof object. This object can then be used to confirm the integrity and accuracy of the query process without exposing any sensitive information.

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