We are using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) for our encryption. The key pair should be generated using P-256
curve. Ensure the generated key pair is in PEM
The public key should be encoded in SPKI
format, and the private key should be encoded in PKCS#8
Here's the example of generating key pair in Typescript.
After this section you should have a key pair consisting of :
Ideally, the issuer & verifier should have different key pairs.
Make sure you have both them before proceeding to the next section.
Here's the example for publicKeyJWKS
and privateKey
This section provides a detailed reference for all zkPass API endpoints
This section explains how to use the zkPass service using any programming language that we don't currently support.
Before you get started with the zkPass API, here's what you'll need:
User Data Token
DVR Token
The zkPass API uses a familiar approach called basic authentication to ensure secure access. Here's what you'll need:
API Key: This unique identifier acts like your username for the API.
API Secret Key: Consider this your password, but much more secure. Keep it confidential!
Register on the zkPass portal to obtain your API and secret keys.
To access the API, you'll need to provide both your API Key and API Secret Key in every request you make. They should be included in the authorization header of your requests.
No worries! If you haven't received your API credentials, simply fill out our easy-to-use form to request them. We'll get you set up in no time.
Our utilities section provides a detailed guide on creating a key pair. This key pair is used for signing and encrypting your user data token (and DVR token, if needed). Here's a quick overview of the steps involved:
This guide complements your understanding of our API endpoints by delving into key generation, signing, and encryption. These steps are crucial for securing your data tokens when using zkPass.
This pair consists of two keys: a public key and a private key. Think of them like a lock and key combination.
Public Key: This key is freely shared and used to verify the authenticity of your signed data tokens.
Private Key: Keep this key safe! It's used for signing and decrypting your data tokens.
Signing your data tokens adds a digital signature using your private key. This signature acts like a tamper-proof seal, ensuring anyone receiving the token can confirm it hasn't been altered.
Encryption takes your data tokens and scrambles them using your private key. This makes the data unreadable by anyone who doesn't possess the corresponding public key (which you wouldn't share).
Make sure you have :
Read Sign User Data and DVR section for detail info.
zkPass enhances the security of your data during transport by encrypting it before sending it over the network. The are only two entities that can access the data: the holder and zkPass host running in a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).
First, find the zkPass public key in the .well-known/jwks.json
file at this endpoint: https://playground-zkpass.ssi.id/.well-known/jwks.json The key you're looking for has a kid (Key ID) of "ServiceEncryptionPubK".
After this section you should have :
Encrypted User Data Token (in JWE Format).
Encrypted DVR Token (in JWE Format).
Here's the example
Make sure you have key pair consisting of :
Read Generate Key Pair section for detail info.
We need to sign User Data and Data Verification Request (DVR) before sending a request to the zkPass service. This ensures that the payload is not tampered during transport.
The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is a set of keys containing the public keys used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the Authorization Server and signed, You can find a complete definition of JWKS here.
Upload your publicKeyJWKS
so that it's accessible from the internet. This will be used by zkPass service to verify the validity of the user data.
Example of the uploaded publicKeyJWKS
A JSON Web Signature (abbreviated JWS) is an IETF-proposed standard (RFC 7515) for signing arbitrary data. This is used as the basis for a variety of web-based technologies including JSON Web Token. You can find a complete definition of JWS here.
This is an example code of how you can sign a JSON object as JWS format in Typescript. Let's say you uploaded your publicKeyJWKS
to https://mywebsite/my-keys.json
Example for User Data
Below is the example of Query in DVR, this query will be included in full DVR
Below is the example of full DVR that will be generated into DVR Token
After this section you should have :
User Data Token : User Data in JSON Web Signature (JWS) format.
DVR Token : DVR in JSON Web Signature (JWS) format.
Here's the example of User Data Token & DVR Token in JWS format.
Before using the Generating Proof Endpoint, There are three essential items you'll need to use the endpoint:
: This token contains your encrypted user data
: This token holds your encrypted DVR data
: This unique identifier authenticates your requests with the zkPass API
is the base64 form of YOUR_API_KEY:YOUR_API_SECRET
For instructions on creating the encryptedUserDataToken
and encryptedDvrToken
, refer to our Utilities section. It provides a step-by-step guide that covers:
Generating a Key Pair: This creates the keys you'll use for signing your data.
Signing User Data and DVR: This step adds a digital signature to your data tokens, ensuring their authenticity.
Encrypting User Data and DVR: This encrypts your data tokens, making them unreadable by anyone without the decryption key.
Type | Value |
Please see example of encrypted User Data and DVR here.
Parameter | Description |
Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
HTTP Method
API endpoint (Playground)
Indicates that the content being sent or received is JSON data
encrypted user data token in JWE format
encrypted dvr token in JWE format
400 | INVALID_PARAMS | Invalid parameter(s). | The provided parameters don't meet the required format or validation rules for the app input |
400 | INVALID_PARAMS | Error serializing parameters | Our system failed to convert the provided parameters into the required format |
404 | INVALID_URL | Invalid URL | The requested privacy app endpoint or resource was not found in our system |
500 | ERROR_LOADING_APP | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persists | Our system failed to initialize or load the requested privacy app |
500 | ERROR_LOADING_INSTANCE | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persists | Our system failed to create a new instance of the privacy app |
500 | CUSTOM_ERROR | [Custom message] | A specific error occurred that requires custom handling (message varies) |
500 | MISSING_APPS_CONFIG | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persists | The required configuration for privacy apps is not found or inaccessible |
500 | ERROR_LOCKING_SOCKET | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persists | Our system failed to establish exclusive access to the communication socket |
500 | ERROR_SENDING_TO_SOCKET | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persistsrver is not ready yet, please try again later | Our system failed to send data through the communication socket |
500 | ERROR_RECEIVING_FROM_SOCKET | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persists | Our system failed to receive data from the communication socket |
500 | ERROR_DESERIALIZING | Something went wrong. Contact the administrator if the error persists | Our system failed to parse the output data from the privacy app |